You will remember (me) when...
- You would want to share your past and you expect him to listen whole-heartedly and smile at your silly points when you say “I know both the sides of the coin”
- You want somebody with whom you can sing any duet/song that you think is one of your favourite songs
- You think of somebody with whom you feel homely and confident in friendship
- You need a book to read and you know he would be there to understand your need
- You need somebody to feel the feeling that you have
- You need help in making your CV/resume look good and you know he would help you out
- You need help in rephrasing your achievements in a year and you know he would help you out
- You think of somebody who reads your mind and asks many times “Are you OK?”, “Is everything all-right?”,etc
- You wear a good dress and think of somebody who would never say “Your dress is good” before you, but never forget to ping you to say so
- You think of one who would ask you about your lunch and dinner when you feel like skipping them
- You think of somebody who would fight with you for some points that he doesn’t like, and will never tell directly, yet he would try to change that in you indirectly and yet care for you from core as if nothing happened
- You think of some situation/environment which is created/manipulated by someone where you are respected and well-treated
- You think of somebody who would say “I stopped calling my friends and got too much busy in my work” and yet would care for you and treat you as part of his extended-family of friends
- You think of somebody who can call you after a long silence and give fundas of life, the way to live and the way of behaving with others
- You think of somebody who would maintain constant thread between his friend-circle and would try a lot to bring both ends to common level when there is some misunderstanding between friends
- You think of a software Engineer rated top for consecutive years
- You think of dinner outside with friends and you expect one among them who would manage all of them