The clouds gathered in the sky,
Showering the elixir of life;
Thundering and clattering,
The sun seemed nowhere in sight.
What seemed to others like a dull day,
Wasn’t so for me;
It was the call of my mother,
To me to come out free.
I adhered to it and came,
Calling out loud to her;
“I’m here mother, I’m here”,
“Happy and at last free.”
She danced in joy galore,
Swaying to and fro,
Shining on the world with pride,
The darkness was no more.
I smiled to see her beauty at last,
The beauty beyond compare….
The day I was born,
Was not a day different,
It was a day I live time and again;
It’s a day I live everyday.
Showering the elixir of life;
Thundering and clattering,
The sun seemed nowhere in sight.
What seemed to others like a dull day,
Wasn’t so for me;
It was the call of my mother,
To me to come out free.
I adhered to it and came,
Calling out loud to her;
“I’m here mother, I’m here”,
“Happy and at last free.”
She danced in joy galore,
Swaying to and fro,
Shining on the world with pride,
The darkness was no more.
I smiled to see her beauty at last,
The beauty beyond compare….
The day I was born,
Was not a day different,
It was a day I live time and again;
It’s a day I live everyday.