"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." "Be who you are, and be that well". - This is one of the quotes that I love and often follow. Often there are cases, when we change or tensd to change from what we actually are and the way we behave. This could be because of many reasons, because others don't like the way we are, or we are trying to be like somebody, or we trying to show others that we can be like him or her. As long as we understand the real meaning of that, it is fine. If I am trying to change myself from X state to Y state, I should be better knowing what forces me to do so, what are the problem in state X and what additional things that I can have or I can achieve in state Y. The point what I want to mention here is, most of the cases, we don't understand that rationale behind the change. We just try to imitate others, sometimes we do pass and most of the cases we fail. ...