"Even a small dot can stop a big sentence, but few more dots can give a continuity"... Amazing but true. Every end can be a new beginning. This was a SMS to my mobile and it had a great linkage with the way I write my blog... I was thinking, well, this is the way I write my blog, each sentence is followed by 3 dots (or, more!)... The thirst to write it fully, to derive the most out of my heart, fully utilization of my thinking on the given topic goes forward than I actually do write... So just before completing one line, my mind says, this is not the ending, you have something more to write, thus it is not a small dot that can stop that line, a new line has to continue and the 3 dots in between comes clearly saying so... The feeling while writing a blog is something like this: "Your heart says, write, write and write till you pen down everything that you think on a given topic/matter" and that 3 dots at end of each line rightly signifies that, saying, "Stay Tun...